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"Uzkimyosanoat" JSC and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) announce an educational grant

// 11 September 2023 year Print version Download: pdf (142.19 KB)


The Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) as part of a Joint Project with JSC Uzkimyosanoat is announcing full Scholarships for Master's Degree (6 seats) and Doctoral (PhD, 7 seats) Programs in Chemistry field at one of the prestigious universities in Korea! 

Successful graduates will continue their employment at the newly establishing Korean-Uzbek Research and Design Institute - Center for Chemical Technology Innovation! 

Deadline for Application submission is September 30, 2023. 

For more information contact phone numbers below and visit the link below for online Application submission:


📞Contact numbers: 
(+998) 97 136-35-07
(+998) 97 136-35-32
📤 Email: empark@krict.re.kr